
更新时间:2023-02-23 11:39:18
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  However difficult your life is,meet it and love it.


  Do not avoid it and call it names1. It is not as bad as you think. It lookspoorest when you are richest. The fault—finder will find faults in paradise.


  Love your life. Poor sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse asbrightly as from the rich man’s house. The snow melts before itsdoor as early in the spring. I can only see a quiet mind living as contentedlythere,and have as cheerful thoughts,as in a palace.


  The town’s poor seem to me to live the most independent lives of any.Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without doubt. Mostthink that they are above being supported by the town,but it often happens thatthey are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means,which should bemore disreputable4. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whetherclothes or friends. Turn to the old,and return to them.


  Things do not change;we change. Sell your clothes and keep yourthoughts.



  Honorable judges, dear boys and girls,good afternoon!

  It is my honour to have the opportunity to deliever a speech here.Today my topic is that”No imagination no invention.As we know, imagination is the power of invention,many inventions just begin with the sparking of imagination.

  There is no doubt that if you could not imagine so many good inventions would not arise. Lenin said: Imagination is extremely valuable qualities.Imagine, if not, the world will be how to, perhaps can only be a gray.Have imagination is the root cause of human stronger than other animals.No imagination of human development and progress will not have any.Einstein's theory of relativity can find because of his childlike imagination. Jobs created Apple, but also from his simply idea and refined imagination.

  But, nowadays, people gradually lose their imagination, or the imagination of people have been killed.Under the exam-oriented education,only the standard answer is correct, the deviated answer is wrong.This causes scores become the dominant factor,so student had to give up their imagination,began to rote memorization.To realize China's dream and the national rejuvenation, can without imagination?

  If people stopped fantasy, then this is a real sign of the decline of humanity. Imagination is the basis for the creation of the invention. With bold Imagination, science was evolving, with rich imagination, before the era of constantly advancing. We should protect children's imagination and develop their creativity. China may create a dream realized.

  尊敬的评委们,亲爱的同学们,下午好,很荣幸有这样一个机会在这里演讲,今天我演讲的题目是:”No imagination no invention“.众所周知,想象力是发明创造的动力,许多发明都是由想象的闪现开始的。 毫无疑问的说,如果没有想象,如此多优秀的发明就没有出现的可能。列宁说过:想象是极其可贵的品质,设想一下,如果没有想象,世界将会怎样,也许只会是一片灰色。拥有想象力是人类强于其他动物的根本原因。没有想象力的人类将不会有任何的发展与进步。爱因斯坦之所能发现相对论,就是因为他的童真的想象力。乔布斯创造了苹果,也来源于他的简约理念和脱俗的想象力。

  但是,现如今,人们渐渐失去了想象力,或者说人们的想象力在不断被扼杀,应试教育下,只有标准答案才是正确的,偏离答案就是错的,这使分数成了主导因素,学生不得不放弃自己的想象,开始死记硬背,试问要想实现中国梦和实现民族复兴,没有想象力行么? 如果人们停止了幻想,那么这就是人类衰落的真正征兆。想象力是创造发明的.基础。有了大胆的创想,科学才不断发展,有了丰富的想象,时代才不断前进。我们应该保护孩子们的想象力,发挥他们的创造性。为中国梦的实现创造可能。


  Let youth to become the most glorious memories Dear teachers, dear classmates, good morning, everyone! The title of my speech today is: let the youth to become the most glorious memories. From our play sound, the time from our naughty smile gently glides, between between us unprepared takes us into the youth. I often think: what is youth? Would like the born the sun is shining bright, or like the river pentium waves of passion, or will be like the eagle that soar the skies free? I think that youth is a finish a lot of songs, she will be romantic feelings and severe reality intertwined, will be everybody's heart dial. She, is moving, like spring flowers, summer is warm; Like the autumn, winter day busines. Youth, how beautiful!

  Youth, if we figure always beautiful natural and unrestrained, behavior always make public and unique personality. We want to make the dream of youth flying high, we want to make your life full of brilliance. So now we should seize every little dream, not because a little frustrated and stop chasing steps. Even if we don't have the ability to superman and great wisdom, we must also believe that as long as you work hard, there will be the future. World-famous bridge expert MAO yisheng, born in poverty, 7 annual revenues primary school, 10 years old in high school, at the age of 15 into the university, he studied hard, collected in the library information nearly thousands of words, there are exactly 200 this reading notes, walks to the United States, after only a year, get a master's degree as the Dr Ricky first engineering institute of technology, was only 24 years old, he can say to the glory of the youth set off to perfection. Zhou enlai as huangpu military academy, director of the political department of only 25 years old, at the age of 29 and led the nanchang uprising shocked the Chinese and foreign, become a generation of outstanding statesman, revolutionist. Newton discovered gravity, 23, 26 relativity, Einstein... Youth, is the eternal monument of their life! Youth, spring flowers. The journey of life has just begun, is waiting for our sun, wind and rain, we are fully cherish this wonderful time! Let youth to become the most brilliant memory!


  good morning,leaders and teachers,

  i have been an english teacher for about 10years .i love my job. it can bring me a lot ofpleasureto me of my students are in university now lly they write letters ,send emails or messages to me i receive them ,i always feel happy and excited.

  ihave got some tips for language teaching a teacher ,i always prepare each lesson carefully and try my best to make my class interesting and lively. first ,a great leading-in is very important.a wonderful introduction can evoke the students’ interest in the new lesson.. second, i always design some activities in my lesson such as word –guessing games ,making up dialogues ,singing english songs,chain practice , acting out short plays and so on . i think listening and speaking are very the activities, students can have more confidence in themselves and their listening and speaking ability can be improved. next, dipping into foreign culture is very helpful. finally, my students often have an english corner on tuesday afternoon to practise their oral english.

  as a teacher ,i always love my students and treat them equally. when they meet some difficulty in their study or in their life, they are glad to tell me and i will try my best to help them. i encourage them to work hard everyday. if they keep on working hard, each of them will have a bright future.

  so much for my speech . thank you.


  a word that has changed the world

  good evening, ladies and gentlemen,my name is chenmiao,it’s my

  great honour to stand here to give a y i am going to talk

  about three apples that have changed the are not the apples

  which you see and buy in the market. those apples are not available to

  eat . maybe you couldn try to eat an apple from hundreds of years ago.

  firstly, from the moment that eve picked a apple, human beings

  are tied to apples . what driving her just were humanity's

  eternal curiosity and converse, but had not thought of opening

  the door to new e the fruit is symbolic, representing

  the efforts that human renegade fixed patterns from generation

  to generation .

  the another anpple , then hit the most the intelligent head

  of human her is newton's story true or false, it left

  beauty on the roadwhich humansexplore the world.

  the next is steve jobs’s apple. the perfectionist and

  paranoid designed a new perception of the world for people,

  making a product become a religious, part of the humans startedthinking about the possibility of the newworld,but most

  humans do not have to think, only need to efore,there is the famous microblogging scripts:up to now,

  there are 3 famous apples have a major impact on human history, one temptedeve,onewoke up newton ,and another is in the hands of the jobe.

  snow white died due to eating poison apple, paris prince giave the golden apple to aphrodite caused the trojan war, hera’s wedding present was golden apple, william · fall launched the people's uprising in switzerland,and the most important props are apples , new york is a big apple, we all love to eat apple pie ... ns’ cultural and history are always tangled with the apples.

  but the apple is just a symbol of human’s choice, focus is on that what we are faced with after we took it over. all apples represent an unknown world ,just as li niao faced two capsules in "the matrix": red or blue ?just did he go back as nothing happened,or did he go to see another world still with us ?we chose apples, because we were tired of the present old model, not to say that the old model is not good,but the original curiosity of humans that drives us to see what is behind the gates.



  My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng.Im ten.I study in WZ children arts school.Im in Class one Grade four .Welcome to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom.There is a sign on the door.It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!There are many desks.This is my desk.My name is on it.This is my teacher’s desk.There are many interesting things.There is a fish bowl on the cabinet.His name is Goldy.Her name is Swimmy.There is a large blackboard on the front wall.My teacher writes our homework on it.There is a birthday chart on the back wall.

  My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.There is a round clock above the door.It tells us what time it is.There are our drawings on the side wall.This is mine.This is Jenny’s.There is a reading couch in the corner.This is my favorite place.


  Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng. I'm ten.

  I study in WZ children arts school.

  I'm in Class one Grade four .

  Welcome to Our Classroom

  This is my classroom.

  There is a sign on the door.

  It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!

  There are many desks.

  This is my desk.

  My name is on it.

  This is my teacher’s desk.

  There are many interesting things.

  There is a fish bowl on the cabinet. His name is Goldy.

  Her name is Swimmy.

  There is a large blackboard on the front wall. My teacher writes our homework on it.

  There is a birthday chart on the back wall. My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it. There is a round clock above the door. It tells us what time it is.

  There are our drawings on the side wall. This is mine.This is Jenny’s.

  There is a reading couch in the corner. This is my favorite place.








  …… 现在,是充满生气的20xx年。在这一年里,主席曾发表了这一段令人深思的教导:“实现中国梦必须走中国道路,这就是中国特色社会主义道路。这条道路来之不易。它是在改革开放30多年的伟大实践中走出来的,是在中华人民共和国成立60多年的持续探索中走出来的,是在对近代以

  来170多年中华民族发展历程的深刻总结中走出来的,是在对中华民族5000多年悠久文明的传承中走出来的,具有深厚的历史渊源和广泛的现实基础。中华民族是具有非凡创造力的民族,我们创造了伟大的中华文明,我们也能够继续拓展和走好适合中国国情的发展道路。全国各族人民一定要增强对中国特色社会主义的理论自信、道路自信、制度自信,坚定不移沿着正确的中国道路奋勇前进。 “实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神。这就是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神。这种精神是凝心聚力的兴国之魂、强国之魂。爱国主义始终是把中华民族坚强团结在一起的精神力量,改革创新始终是鞭策我们在改革开放中与时俱进的精神力量。全国各族人民一定要弘扬伟大的民族精神和时代精神,不断增强团结一心的精神纽带、自强不息的精神动力,永远朝气蓬勃迈向未来。 “实现中国梦必须凝聚中国力量,这就是中国各族人民大团结的力量。中国梦是民族的梦。也是每个中国人的梦。只要我们紧密团结,万众一心,为实现共同梦想而奋斗,实现梦想的力量就无比强大,我们每个人为实现自己梦想的努力就拥有广阔的空间。生活在我们伟大祖国和伟大时代的中国人民,共同享有人生出彩的机会,共同享有梦想成真的机会,共同享有同祖国和时代一起成长与进步的机会。有梦想,有机会,有奋斗,一切美好的东西都能够创造出来的。全国



  Surrounding you are angels,they are there to guide your path。 If weaknessoveres you,they’ll give you strength if you will ask。 They are your protectionwhen life seems too hard to bear,and though you feel alone at times,theangels,they are there…

  Their faces may be hidden,and their voices you might not hear,but theyare always with you through your laughter or your tears。

  They’ll walk along beside you,they’ll guide your steps along the way,they’ll fort you and hold you,protect you night and day。 They’ll hold to yourhand tightly,and will not ever let it go,and they’ll gently lead you forward,taking each step very slow。

  When life is overwhelming,and your spirit has grown tired,know thatthey’ll be there for you to uplift and to inspire。 And when you’re torn andlonely,and you see no hope ahead,know that they will nourish you,and yourspirit will be fed。

  For even in the darkest hour,when all of hope seems gone,they’ll give youstrength to live your life,and desire to go on。 And if your faith in Heavenshould ever fade away,they’ll help renew your spirit,and help you find yourway。

  Angles are always there; and upon their strength and guidance,you alwaysmay rely。


  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Angela Zhang from Class 4 Grade 8. Today, my topic is, “;The Shanghai World Expo”;. First, I’ll say something about World Expo History. As we know, the very first World Expo, the Great Exhibition of 1851, took place in the Crystal Palace in London. UK. Ever since then, the goals of World Expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. Visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience;outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world. On December3, 20xx, the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo20xx. the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo20xx. Among the 5 nice cities, the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese, but also all of Chinese people. Here are some details about it. Look at this profile carefully. The title is “;The 20xx World Exposition ,Shanghai, China “;. this is the logo. And the theme is “;better city., better life ”;.OK, let’s guess who is the image representative? Yeah, you’re right, Yao Ming! Shanghai Expo is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country. And it is also the first one that takes “;the city ”; as its theme,hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life. I think, as a student in Shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. And try to practice English more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. Because, we’re a part of Shanghai!


  ladies and gentleman,good evening!

  it's my great honor to present this speech today。my name is peace and i am from class 1 of teaching chinese as a foreign language。 my topic today is "living at present is my top concern"。

  we've often heard the famous words;“yesterday is history,tomorrow is mistery,but today is a gift,that's why it's called 'present' ”。indeed,rich or poor,every one is endowed with this most precious gift 。only by treasuring it and living to our fullest potential in the present,can we project our way forward to a bright and rewarding future。


  Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng.Im ten.I study in WZ children arts school.Im in Class one Grade four .Welcome to Our ClassroomThis is my classroom.There is a sign on the door.It says: Welcome to Our Classroom!There are many desks.This is my desk.My name is on it.This is my teacher’s desk.There are many interesting things.There is a fish bowl on the cabinet.His name is Goldy.Her name is Swimmy.There is a large blackboard on the front wall.My teacher writes our homework on it.There is a birthday chart on the back wall.My teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.There is a round clock above the door.It tells us what time it is.There are our drawings on the side wall.This is mine.This is Jenny’s.There is a reading couch in the corner.This is my favorite place.


  Someone said “;we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite ”;. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “;How to spend the youth? ”; It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “;what do you understand by the word youth? ”; Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “;To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder. As what I said at the beginning, “;we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite ”;. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in front of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “;We are the world, we are the future. ”;


  Hello, everybody . My name is lucy , I'm eleven years old. I study in zhangshuping Primary School. I'm in Class one ,Grade five. I’m a quiet girl , but I like smiling . My hobby is writing . I am very happy every day. Now, Let’s share my happiness—— My happy day.

  March 22nd was a special day. I was so happy , why? Was it my birthday? No, no. Did I get an A in my test? No, no, no.

  But why was I so happy ? In fact , I was not so happy at first . In the morning, I had a terrible stomachache . Because I was ill , I didn’t go to school . But I didn’t kill the time . I wrote an article . Writing articles is my hobby . Writing articles can help me forget the time .

  Before I knew it, My mother came home from work . “Lucy , Lucy, come , a piece of news for you! ” mother shouted. I didn’t see mom’s face , but her voice suggested that she was happy . She had good news for me . I ran quickly to her . I was glad to know that my blog article would be published . My article was “Yeah! I can get payment by writing articles now! ”What a surprise! My dream did come true so soon. In my article , I hoped to get RMB from my father .Now, I can get money from a magazine . I couldn’t believe it .“Mommy, is it true?” “Yes! Absolutely!”Mummy answered. Hearing the good news, Daddy said he would double my payment . “Oh! Goodbye my stomachache . I am so happy ! Mommy, I want to kiss you! ”

  If you were I , would you be as happy as me ! Sure ! Right ?

  Thank you for sharing my happiness! Thank you!


  A:Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!It is a great pleasure for us to get together here. We are going to have an English competition and we are going to have fun.Since some students think that English is so difficult and boring, we will try to make them understand that English is a great fun for us. With some beautiful songs, performances, poems and speeches, we will see that Enalish is so beautiful and attractive. Let's enjoy English and its magic.Thank you all.

  A: In today's show, there are 6 contestants,. They are ready to show themselves.

  A: Let's warmly welcome contestant No1 His topic is Unit 1, and contestant No2 .get ready ,please.

  A:Now, let's warmly welcome contestant No2 .Her topic is Unit 2. And contestant No3 Frank.get ready ,please.

  A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No3, and contestant No4A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No4,and contestant No5get ready ,please.

  A:we are going to welcome anther contestant No5last one is No6A: wonderful! There are six contestants give us a wonderful show.


  A:now, I will announce the third welcome come here.Let's give her a big hand.

  A: A: At last,another exciting moment is I am going to announce the biggest prize of the competition,,the special prize(特等奖)

  Warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winner.

  结束语:Well, how exciting today the contest is ! So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,Thank you for coming!









