
时间:2023-05-02 19:23:41


英语作文 篇1





  It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as hugeas we imagine.

  Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it!

英语作文 篇2

  世界末日 End of The World

  In 1999, I was about ten year old, at that time, there was the rumor that this was the last year of human being, because the end of the world would come and people would not live anymore. I was so afraid, I was so young and I wanted to see more. The lucky thing was that the year of 1999 was not the end of the world. Then in the following years, there were always the rumors that the end of the world would come and none of them was real. I don’t care when the end of the world comes, I enjoy every moment and that’s enough for me.


  特奥会的开幕 The Opening of Special Olympic Games

  The Special Olympic Games opened last night, as I am a fan of the sports, so I am very interested in the opening. What’s more, I couldn’t wait to hear Avril to sing in the opening. Avril is my favorite singer, I liked her since I was very small. Avril sung the song Fly, the words were so touching, then I realized she got very sick last year, which almost killed her. But Avril struggled and comes back, the song is the reflection of her spirit. There is no doubt that Avril is the most suitable person to sing this inspiring song. The Special Olympic Games inspires so many people, the spirit of never giving up touches us all.


  追星的日子 The Time of Chasing Star

  Everybody will have their idols in their heart. For me, I am a teenager, of course I will chase the star. Someday, when I was walking on the street, I heard a wonderful song from the store, so I remembered the singer. I searched the information and listened to all his songs. I was crazy about the singer, I even imagined meeting him someday. The most unbelievable thing was that I wrote a letter to him though I did not send out. But as the time went by, my attention on him was less and less, at last, I chased another star. I realized paying much attention on the star was wasting the time, I needed to do my own thing.


  看牙医 Go to See the Dentist

  Since I was very small, I like to eat all kinds of candy. My parents always tell me that eating too much candy will do harm to my health, but I never listen to them, because nothing happens to me. But last week, I felt something wrong with my teeth. At first, I did not feel like eating anything, my teeth ached. Then my parents told me to see the dentist, I was so afraid, I knew what the doctor would do to me. Going to see the dentist was a disaster, my tooth was broken and needed to take out, it really hurt me. Since then, I learn that eating too much candy need to pay the price.


  适当的时机 The Right Time

  One day, when I went home after school, I found there was no one at home, so I felt bored. I suddenly thought about the toy I wanted to buy last time, but my mother stopped me, she said I had bought so many toys, I still wanted to buy. I saw my mother put her money in the desk, as I wanted the toy so much, so I took the money and then went to the shop. When my mother came home, she did not realize, but I felt so guilty, I decided to tell her the truth. I finally told my mother, she smiled and told me she waited for me to confess, if I miss the right time to confess, she would be angry, because it would improve me to be a bad child. I was so happy that I confess my mistake at the right time and correct it.


  灰姑娘的故事 The Story of Cinderella

  For most girls, I believe they must have read the story about Cinderella. The story tells about a beautiful and kind girl named Cinderella, her mother dies when she is very small, so his father marries another lady who has two daughters. When the father dies, Cinderella is bulled by his step-mother and step-sisters, but she keeps nice to them. One day, Cinderella meets a prince and when she joins the party, she has to run away before midnight. The prince finally finds her by his missing glass shoe. Finally, Cinderella lives a happy life and her step-mother and step-sisters are punished. The story tells people that if we are kind to others, we will have the good return.


英语作文 篇3

  With the development of the economy,particularly under the influence of the information technology,the globe seems becoming smaller and smaller.For instance,in the past ,of the world in one minute by means of email,fax,phone,skype,and MSN and so forth.

  Human beings are displaying unbelievable creativity in the process of social development,and i believe tomorrow will be better!



英语作文 篇4

  I had an unforgettable Labour Day holiday.

  My classmates threw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time. I also went visiting my relatives with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle's house. We stayed for the night.

  The next day, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick. We returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed. Since last Friday, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers.

  That was my unforgettable Labour Day holiday. Yeh, I had a lot of fun!

英语作文 篇5

  关于考试 About Examination

  写一篇以 About Examinations 为题的议论文。要求 200 个词左右。


  1. 自从我上学以来不知经历了多少次考试。

  2. 有人认为考试是老师的秘密武器,我却不以为然……

  3. 这是我国的制度问题,……要改革考试。

  4. 建议必要处增加一些细节。


  1. magic weapon 秘密武器

  2. reform the entrance system 改革考试制度

  About Examination

  I don't remember how many examinations I've taken since I began my schooling. To tell the truth, I don't like examinations at all. I dare say that, in fact, no student likes examinations.

  We often hear people say “Examinations are teachers' magic weapon”, so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many examinations. But I don't think so. Almost all of them have once been students before they became teachers. We don't like examinations, and neither do our teachers, which may be reasonably concluded. What's more, the more examinations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more trouble our teachers have to take.

  It is the system in our country, I think, that gives us students so many examinations. If there were no entrance examinations, and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition, there would not be so many examinations in primary and middle schools. So it is important and necessary to reform the test system. Only in this way can examinations be greatly reduced, and then all the students will be happier.





  My Views on Examinations 考试之我见

  tests will bring the examinees great pressure, which can affect their lives. A typical example of this is that most young students have worn glasses even though some of them are still children. For preparing for tests, they must spend a lot of time on doing their homework so that their eyesight becomes worse and worse. And the more time they spend on those, the less time they have for playing and relaxing. Consequently, there is a bad influence on their health.

  Since school comes into being, the test standard has been used to appraise performance of students. So far it is still being used, which may suggest that actually there are some advantages in it. However, it is also highly possible that the test standard is a not ideal way to find out what students have learned and what they haven't. Most school is still using it just because there is no better method to replace it.

  In my opinion, the following three points are the critical flaws in the test standard.

  One of the most harmful effects on the test method is that it will force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially in China. Obviously the final object of education is making us intellective by learning more knowledge. While the test is only a way to examine the level of students' studies, it has been deteriorated to a sifter deciding the fate of students. Why can it be called a terrible sifter? Now in the tests, which decide who can enter a higher school, thousands of poor students, who want a splendid future, must prepare for the tests by finishing a great deal of practices. Those practice tests are heavy-laden to them. So in this case, how can they be expected to study to obtain knowledge? To them that are enough if they can reach the level which tests need. In the end what our nation will get, genuine persons with ability or just test robots?





  The Anxiety Before Exam 考试前的焦虑

  I bet every student will feel nervous before they take the exam, exam is very important for students, teachers will assess them according it, so all the students want to do well in the exam. Anxiety bothers students, they can t sleep and eat well, as they are afraid of failing it. In my opinion, there is no need for students to feel anxious, it only makes you work worse and can t help you get a better score. Students should not take the exam too serious, it just a way of assessment, if they do well, just keep it, while if they fail, adjusting the study plan. Exam will not decide you all the time, only your attitude.


  我对考试的观点 My View on Examinations

  We live in a world full of competition. And the examination is one of the tools to exam whether we meet the standard or not. If we want to enter the key university, we have to get high marks on the College Entrance Exam;if we want to have a good job, we will go through a series of interviews and tests;If we want to drive a car, we have to pass the driving test. Some people complain that there are too many exams in our lives, and these exams cannot truly or fully reflect a person’s ability. Unfortunately, our fate and future are depending on these exams. We cannot avoid them.


  It’s true that the examinations can only test what we remember instead of what we know. A student with a good memory may find it very easy to get high marks before the examinations. All he needs to do is to remember the knowledge from the textbooks. In this situation, it’s quite unfair to evaluate the students only through exams. What’s more, some unexpected accidents may happen to the students such as a high fever or a sudden headache; this will affect the final marks. Since no one can performs stable all the time.


  Sometimes, luck plays a vital role in the examinations. The student may guess an answer right although he doesn’t work hard on the course. If the student has a good handwriting, he may get higher marks than others. There are many subjective factors that may affect the outcome of the exams.


  In a word, it’s not enough to use exams to evaluate the students. If the schools want to assess the students, they should use different ways. Only in this way, the result may be fair.


  Desire for No Examination 渴望不考试

  I have a lot of aspirations. But what I desire most is to have no examinations.

  We are always told that examinations aim to check what we have learned. But I don't think so. Examination is not the best way', especially in the primary school. Examinations, composition examinations in particular, will bring students, teachers and parents a GREat deal of pressure. To cope with the examination, some students just remember the model essays by rote. It will do no good to the improvement of writing.

  The students' scores can be measured by their daily in-class study and by the completion of their everyday homework. If we do in this way, all the students and teachers will have a pleasant time every day.




  the Saluda School 撒鲁达学校

  In this argument, the arguer concludes that the Saluda school should hire Mr.Schade to plan and direct the general music education programs for entire Saluds school system. To support this conclusion, the arguer point out that during the time Mr. Charles Schade was the music director at Steel City High School, the school band from Steel City High has won three regional band competitions. In addition, the argue reasons that the quality of the music rehearsal facilities and musical instrments at Steel City High has improved markedly over the past five years. However, this argument suffers several critical fallacies. First, the argument is based on a false analogy. Although Mr. Charles Schade has brought the Streel City High School much glory, it dosen't mean he will bring the same effective execution to Saluda school and make it success too. Because the places of these two schools located are different, it is entirely possible that the music atmosphere in Steel City is better than that in the town of Saluda; even music has become part of the Streel City people's life. Moreover, is the fact past representative enough to show that Mr. Charles Schade will continue be keen on that kind of music competition. So the author should take both place and time into account before making the final conclusion. Second, the arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. The argument lacks more specific information about how much effort Mr. Charles Schade has offered during the reginal band competitions and what he has done to the whole band. In another word the author fails to establish the relationship between Mr.Schade and the outstanding success of the Steel City High School band. So it cannot convince us that Mr. Charle contributes good mark of music band. Another flaw that weakens the logic of the argument is that the arguer didn't take other reasons into account. The author fails to rule out the fact that winning in the regional competitions three times cannot fully conclude the performance of this band is outstanding too. Further more, we can get no imformation of the achievement of the school of town of Saluda, maybe it have taken part in some larger scope competition and more successful than that of Steel City High School. Before I come to my concludion, it is necessary to point out another flaw in the argument. The quality of the music rehearsal facilities and musical instruments at Steel City High has improved markedly over the past five years cannot indicate clear relationship associated with Mr. Charles. In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between Mr Charles and the success of Steel City School. Without further analysis, to hire Mr. Schade to plan and direct the general music education programs for the entire Saluda school system is still in boubt.











