
时间:2023-05-25 19:43:53


英文作文 篇1

  I think I love him…….

  But I know our love is doomed to be a tragical ending….

  I hate myself!!

  Two years ago, I made a great decision quit my job, everybody who knew this news supported me and hop me to leave earlier; the more I worked hard, the less I got, I think; I know it is no affair, but I entered this company for helping this boss, my former colleague, so I quit my former better job; he made a promise to me …..but nothing came true; about four years I must leave for seeking another job which is suitable for me; the decision has been completed; I feel so easy!

  But who knows? After my decision, my boss may have a severe heart attack? Everyday I see his tired face and ….I can’t help crying; a poor man, a poor boss, I don’t know if I should leave or stay, I have a hesitation again;

  in my life, I have never let anybody disappointment and never given up the friendship for the money, I know the friendship is greatest in my heart; but now, I become so selfish, I have suffered from the unfair and the less wage for four years, why didn’t I suffered from again now? I don’t know, maybe my leaving can let him unhappy, maybe…..but, how can I leave in this occasion? Is seem that I put a basin of cold water down his head!

  I don’t know how to do and what to do! My mood become more bad, my heart become more achy, maybe my decision will become air flying into the sky, I hate myself, hate myself very much, my god!!

英文作文 篇2

  In recent years,protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to the whole human beings.It is everyone's duty to do someting good to the environment around us.

  As middle school students,we can also do a lot of helpful things.For example,we can protect it by not throwing rubbish away.We can save water to make full use of it.

  Thingd we can do are a great many.Only when we have the idea of loving our environment can we make a better place to live.So everybody,let's take action!

英文作文 篇3

  The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, and the atmosphere is filled with joy and peace throughout the country. Every festive holiday times, and different people to work and study every at this time, will put down everything, with li TiaoTiaoDe back home for the holiday, kowtowing to the old man, to the family New Year. Even if you can't get home, you can make a phone call, send a message, and send a message of congratulations and greetings. No, this Spring Festival our family of 13 people from all over the place back to grandma's family. Many people are lively, but the trouble, the joke has also been a lot of, below I will tell you three interesting things.

  During the Spring Festival, relatives gathered together, sleeping naturally became a problem. At ten o 'clock in the evening, my brother and I were separated into a single bed. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, and the whole country is brimming with joy and peace. Every festive holiday times, people in other cities to work and study at this time, will put down everything, with li TiaoTiaoDe back home for the holiday, kowtowing to the old man, to the family New Year. Even if you can't get home, you can make a phone call, send a message, and send a message of congratulations and greetings. No, this Spring Festival our family of 13 people from all over the place back to grandma's family. Many people are lively, but the trouble, the joke has also been a lot of, below I will tell you three Spring Festival fun.

英文作文 篇4

  Autumn is a colorful season.

  Autumn wind, the yellow leaves on the tree like a beautiful butterfly flying in the air, and then gently fell to the ground, as if to the earth paved with a layer of golden yellow “ carpet ”. The sweet scented osmanthus fragrance with the wind kissed our faces, bursts of intoxicating fragrance trees!

  In the orchard, the pomegranate tree covered with big red fruit, golden pear hangs lanterns, apple with red cheeks and that little unappropriate persimmon, like naughty doll you push me in the branches of small head out.

  In the fields of sorghum, raised the burning torch rice laughed to see this scene, I heard a bumper grain harvest, from the sea of golden rice coming from the farmers happy laughter. The wild goose flew back to the South with the joy of the farmer's harvest.

  Autumn is a season of colour, smell and taste. I love the beautiful autumn!

英文作文 篇5

  Your Starting Point

  You are where you are。 Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward。

  This moment is as it is。 Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it。

  There are difficult challenges in your life。 Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them。

  Accept that this is your starting point。 Instead of placing judgements on it, see the real, positive value that’s already yours。 You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you。 Yet you can make use of the wisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams。

  Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you have and where you are。 For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be。







英文作文 篇6


  在一片灰暗神秘的等待中,突然,千变万化的光芒开始闪耀起来,然后是一列整齐划一、万紫千红的队伍从布幕后走出。音乐一开始,只见大家挥舞着双手,五彩缤 纷的彩带同时在空中飘舞着,彷彿在向我们打招呼,更让我看的眼花撩乱,聆听着他们美妙的歌声不绝于耳,犹如枝头上的`鸟儿们快乐的欢唱着春天的到来。












