
时间:2024-03-03 07:30:14
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  On Christmas Eve, the warm fire, romantic snow, is full of stars, the Christmas tree, the room is full of sweet smell, burning candle on wish, Christmas star shine for you from now on。

  2 、雪花飘飘,短信悄悄,圣诞的钟声声声想起,祝福的语句句句送上,亲爱的朋友,真心地祝愿你平安夜里平平安安,圣诞节时快快乐乐!

  Snowflakes fluttering, message quietly, the Christmas bell sound, statements shall send blessings, my dear friends, sincerely wish you peace night in peace, happy Christmas!


  Christmas tree, is willing to make happiness, let the life flavor; Song, singing at night peace health, let your life forever young, auspicious good luck wish you Christmas Eve, merry Christmas happiness!

  4 、平安是福,健康有福,平安夜里更享福,我已许下平安愿,愿您身体健康精神爽,快快乐乐享太平,人旺运旺事业旺,心顺气顺百事顺!

  Blessed peace is a blessing, health, peace more live at night, I would have made peace, wish you a healthy spirit, happy to enjoy peace, people prosperous prosperous business prosperous, heart qi, shun prattison!

  5 、世界有正奇之分,也可理解为阴阳。天有日月,地有山河,人有男女,道有乾坤,文有金庸古龙,武有北丐东邪,我的祝福有圣诞节和平安夜!

  A world is strange, can also be understood as Yin and Yang。 Day is the sun, to have rivers, there are men and w

  omen, have qiankun, wen jin yong's cologne, wu has north gai east evil, I have a Christmas wishes peace night!

  6 、用快乐的焰火点亮幸福的夜空,用吉祥的颂歌敲响如意的钟,用好运的袜子装满浓浓的深情,平安夜,让幸福的心飞翔,让平安的歌唱响!

  With happy fireworks lit the night sky of happiness, with auspicious carols bell sounded flexibly, filled with thick deep feeling, good luck with socks on Christmas Eve, happy heart, and let fly, let the singing sound of peace!

  7 、总有些事情是无法忘掉,总有些人在身边萦绕,相逢是那样奇妙,生活是这么美好,工作固然重要,心情也要调好,在平安夜到来之前祝福你!

  Always can't forget some things, some people are always lingering around, it is so wonderful to meet, the life is so good, work is important, the mood also want to set, before the arrival of Christmas Eve bless you!

  8 、祝你平安一生顺帆,愿你幸福终身健康。温馨乐园家的栋梁,美满和睦吉祥如意,祈祷上天保佑平安。平安夜,愿你一生平安,幸福无边,快乐无限!

  I wish you a safe life sails, I wish you a happy life health。 Warm paradise the beams of our house, a happy peace prosperity, pray god bless peace。 On Christmas Eve, peace to your life, happiness, joy!


  Taste sweet, sweet life; Listen carol, happy life; Take a look at the fireworks, shining a life; A bite of apple, safe life; Accept a blessing, happiness life; On Christmas Eve I wish you, peace with life!

  1 0 、平安之夜报平安,平安快乐迎圣诞,距离增加多想念,问候祝福一大串,给友温暖驱严寒,圣诞节日美梦圆。祝福远方的朋友,平安夜快乐,圣诞节幸福!

  YeBao of peace, peace happy Christmas, missing distance increases, greetings greeting a bunch, give friends warm drive cold, Christmas holiday dream round。 Wish distant friends, merry Christmas Eve, Christmas happiness!

  1 1、白雪飘飘飞满天,银装素裹无限美!圣诞树前把愿许,沐浴一生幸福雨!身体健康很关键,快乐也要天天见!平安夜到,愿你吃饱,睡好,一生不老。

  Snow fluttering fly all over the sky, the white infinite beauty! Before the Christmas tree to xu, bath life happiness rain! Physical health is critical, happy also want to see you every day! On Christmas Eve, you would like to eat, sleep well, life not old。

  1 2、平安夜里钟声响,颂歌旋律扬喜悦;苹果唱起平安曲,快乐咒语进你心;一声问候好运连,一道祝福事遂愿。平安夜,祝你幸福一生,健康一生,快乐一生,平安一生!

  Christmas bell ring, song melody Yang joy; Apple sing Christmas song, happy spell into your heart; Greeting with a good luck, a blessing thing。 On Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy life, healthy life, happy life, safe life!















  On Christmas Eve, the warm fire, romantic snow, is full of stars, the Christmas tree, the room is full of sweet smell, burning candle on wish, Christmas star shine for you from now on。

  2 、雪花飘飘,短信悄悄,圣诞的钟声声声想起,祝福的语句句句送上,亲爱的朋友,真心地祝愿你平安夜里平平安安,圣诞节时快快乐乐!

  Snowflakes fluttering, message quietly, the Christmas bell sound, statements shall send blessings, my dear friends, sincerely wish you peace night in peace, happy Christmas!


  Christmas tree, is willing to make happiness, let the life flavor; Song, singing at night peace health, let your life forever young, auspicious good luck wish you Christmas Eve, merry Christmas happiness!

  4 、平安是福,健康有福,平安夜里更享福,我已许下平安愿,愿您身体健康精神爽,快快乐乐享太平,人旺运旺事业旺,心顺气顺百事顺!

  Blessed peace is a blessing, health, peace more live at night, I would have made peace, wish you a healthy spirit, happy to enjoy peace, people prosperous prosperous business prosperous, heart qi, shun prattison!

  5 、世界有正奇之分,也可理解为阴阳。天有日月,地有山河,人有男女,道有乾坤,文有金庸古龙,武有北丐东邪,我的祝福有圣诞节和平安夜!

  A world is strange, can also be understood as Yin and Yang。 Day is the sun, to have rivers, there are men and w

  omen, have qiankun, wen jin yong's cologne, wu has north gai east evil, I have a Christmas wishes peace night!

  6 、用快乐的焰火点亮幸福的夜空,用吉祥的颂歌敲响如意的钟,用好运的袜子装满浓浓的深情,平安夜,让幸福的心飞翔,让平安的歌唱响!

  With happy fireworks lit the night sky of happiness, with auspicious carols bell sounded flexibly, filled with thick deep feeling, good luck with socks on Christmas Eve, happy heart, and let fly, let the singing sound of peace!

  7 、总有些事情是无法忘掉,总有些人在身边萦绕,相逢是那样奇妙,生活是这么美好,工作固然重要,心情也要调好,在平安夜到来之前祝福你!

  Always can't forget some things, some people are always lingering around, it is so wonderful to meet, the life is so good, work is important, the mood also want to set, before the arrival of Christmas Eve bless you!

  8 、祝你平安一生顺帆,愿你幸福终身健康。温馨乐园家的栋梁,美满和睦吉祥如意,祈祷上天保佑平安。平安夜,愿你一生平安,幸福无边,快乐无限!

  I wish you a safe life sails, I wish you a happy life health。 Warm paradise the beams of our house, a happy peace prosperity, pray god bless peace。 On Christmas Eve, peace to your life, happiness, joy!


  Taste sweet, sweet life; Listen carol, happy life; Take a look at the fireworks, shining a life; A bite of apple, safe life; Accept a blessing, happiness life; On Christmas Eve I wish you, peace with life!

  1 0 、平安之夜报平安,平安快乐迎圣诞,距离增加多想念,问候祝福一大串,给友温暖驱严寒,圣诞节日美梦圆。祝福远方的朋友,平安夜快乐,圣诞节幸福!

  YeBao of peace, peace happy Christmas, missing distance increases, greetings greeting a bunch, give friends warm drive cold, Christmas holiday dream round。 Wish distant friends, merry Christmas Eve, Christmas happiness!

  1 1、白雪飘飘飞满天,银装素裹无限美!圣诞树前把愿许,沐浴一生幸福雨!身体健康很关键,快乐也要天天见!平安夜到,愿你吃饱,睡好,一生不老。

  Snow fluttering fly all over the sky, the white infinite beauty! Before the Christmas tree to xu, bath life happiness rain! Physical health is critical, happy also want to see you every day! On Christmas Eve, you would like to eat, sleep well, life not old。

  1 2、平安夜里钟声响,颂歌旋律扬喜悦;苹果唱起平安曲,快乐咒语进你心;一声问候好运连,一道祝福事遂愿。平安夜,祝你幸福一生,健康一生,快乐一生,平安一生!

  Christmas bell ring, song melody Yang joy; Apple sing Christmas song, happy spell into your heart; Greeting with a good luck, a blessing thing。 On Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy life, healthy life, happy life, safe life!










