
时间:2024-02-21 10:21:34
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  it all began in june, 1976, when the new china national women's volleyball team was formed. it wasn't easy, as the world of volleyball was dominated either by the western teams which were characterized by their power and height, or by the more versatile eastern teams (e.g. japan) which are know for their speed and skill.

  but the new team had two features that became important for their later success: hope and a good coach. yue wai man, 37 at that time, was named the head coach of the team. his unique vision made him realize to be one of the best, you have to learn what makes them the best. therefore, a unique style combining speed, height, power and skill was developed.

  being the best of asia was only the first step. our beloved chinese ladies knew full well what has been waiting for them next.

  i really hope our chinese women volleyball team can win the gold again.



  回顾里约奥运会,中国女排一路走来可谓是步步惊心。在小组赛首场对战荷兰的比赛中中国女排的表现就让观众们大跌眼镜,在2:0领先的情况下居然被对手连扳三局。接着又心0:3负于塞尔维亚女排,1:3负于美国女排,最后以三负两胜小组第四的成绩勉强进入淘汰赛。在淘汰赛中中国女排被分到了和东道主巴西一个队,巴西队是上届奥运会的冠军,又是主场作战,占据了天时、地利、人和的`优势,和巴西队比赛简直就是“生死之战”。女排的姑娘们非常灰心 ,主教练郎平语重心长地说:“姑娘们,今天这场比赛有可能是我们在本届奥运会打的最后一场球了,所以今天的比赛结果对我们来说已不重要。我们只要把自己的战术水平和精神风貌打出来,不要让自己后悔!”郎导的一席话鼓舞了姑娘们的士气,在这场比赛中,女排姑娘们依靠着顽强拼搏的精神成功逆袭,打败了巴西女排进入四强。在接下来的比赛中,女排姑娘们发挥敢打敢拼的精神,一路杀进决赛,最终站上了奥运会的最高领奖台。
